Rome Breast Surgery Symposium 2014 Reconstruction and Aesthetic: Obtaining Safety and Results

Congresso a Roma (Lazio) per Infermiere, Medico chirurgo: Rome Breast Surgery Symposium 2014 Reconstruction and Aesthetic: Obtaining Safety and Results

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Descrizione del congresso
Congresso Internazionale Rome Breast Surgery Symposium 2014. Reconstruction and Aesthetic: Obtaining Safety and Results Segreteria Scientifica Prof. Roy De Vita Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at the National Cancer Institute of Rome "Regina Elena" Prof. Stefano Pompei Chief of Plastic and Reconstrucitve Surgery Department at S. Pertini Hospital in Rome
Data:04/06/2014 - 06/06/2014
Azienda/Ente formativo:Alfa FCM
Luogo di svolgimento:Sheraton Golf Parco De' Medici
Indirizzo:Viale Salvatore Rebecchini, 39
Quota di partecipazione:350 €
Preliminary Programme_updated 16.09.2013.pdf142.18 KB
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Rome Breast Surgery Symposium 2014 Reconstruction and Aesthetic: Obtaining Safety and Results