5th international workshop • from pathology to treatment, what evidence in inflammatory rheumatic diseases? are the high-risk individuals a new treatm

Congresso a Roma (Lazio) per Medico chirurgo: 5th international workshop • from pathology to treatment, what evidence in inflammatory rheumatic diseases? are the high-risk individuals a new treatm

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Descrizione del congresso
3 - documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza - profili di cura.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze di processo:The aim will be the most appropriate clinical management and profiling of the individuals at high risk for developing an inflammatory rheumatic disease based on the idea that an accurate stratification of these individuals may improve their outcomes. The methodology will rely on a delphi technique aimed to produce, starting from the results of a systematic literature review, a set of statements summarizing the consensus among the experts, assessing six inflammatory rheumatic diseases, the members of each working group will be selected based on their contributions into the specific fields. Each group will identify some clinical questions on the individuals at high risk needing further clarifications according to published scientific evidence and in conjunction with the experts’ opinion. On these bases, synthetizing statements will be prepared and voted through a delphi-method during a consensus involving the whole panel of experts. As final result, a summarizing manuscript.
Data:28/02/2025 - 01/03/2025
Azienda/Ente formativo:Associazione Sinapsy - Soluzioni E Servizi Integrati
Luogo di svolgimento:Nh Hotel Villa Carpegna
Indirizzo:Via Pio Iv, 6
Crediti assegnati:7
Durata del corso (in ore):7
Quota di partecipazione:0 €
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5th international workshop • from pathology to treatment, what evidence in inflammatory rheumatic diseases? are the high-risk individuals a new treatm